Munro Cullum, AAIC 2021: Telehealth-based Assessment of Cognition in Older Adults
touchNEUROLOGY joins Prof Munro Cullum (UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA) at AAIC 2021 to discuss the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of telehealth on clinical practice.
1. What challenges to dementia research have been posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and how have telehealth procedures helped to overcome these? (00:25-01:36)
2. Please summarise your presentations at AAIC 2021? (01:36-04:21)
3. What practical recommendations do you give for the application of telehealth procedures? (04:21-06:33)
4. What does the future hold for telehealth procedures? (06:33-09:20)
Disclosures: Prof Cullum has no financial or non-financial conflicts of interest to declare in relation to this video.
Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media. Interview conducted by Sophie Nickelson.
Filmed in coverage of the 2021 AAIC Annual Meeting.