Elena Moro, EAN 2020 – Neurological Implications of COVID-19 in Europe
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EAN Treasurer, Elena Moro (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble, France), kindly took the time to share with us her expert perspective on the neurological implications of COVID-19 in Europe.
1. What are the neurological implications of COVID-19 in Europe? (0:05)
2. What are the major risks posed by COVID-19 in patients with neurological illness? (2:40)
3. What advice would you give to neurologists facing complex decisions regarding their patients’ treatment plans during the pandemic? (4:46)
Also see linked video: Elena Moro, EAN 2020 – EAN Survey of Neurological Symptoms in patients with COVID-19
Speaker disclosure: Elena Moro has nothing to disclose in relation to this video interview.
Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media.
Filmed at the 6th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and 1st EAN Virtual Congress, May 2020.