Martin Brodie, CONy 2020 – Combination Antiepileptic Drug Therapy
It was a pleasure to speak with Martin Brodie (President, International Bureau for Epilepsy and co-Section Head of Epilepsy for CONy), who spoke with us on the topic of the debate session he participated in: Should combination antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy be offered immediately after failure of a single antiepileptic drug?
- Could you tell us a little about the current standard of care and the unmet need in the treatment of epilepsy? (0:08)
- What evidence supports the use of combination antiepileptic drug therapy and how should it be introduced? (1:48)
- If combination therapy is used, how do we best optimise the outcome? (3:45)
- What are the potential side effects of antiepileptic drug therapy and how can they be minimised? (5:40)
- What other factors should be considered to optimise polytherapy in patients with epilepsy? (7:07)
Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media Ltd.
Disclosures: Martin Brodie has nothing to disclose in relation to this video
Filmed in coverage of the 14th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy Virtual, November 2020).