Dominic Shadbolt: ECTRIMS Patient perspective – Technologies and tools to predict patient outcomes in MS
We welcome Dominic Shadbolt, a patient advocate in multiple sclerosis (MS), and founder of Dominic joins touchNEUROLOGY to share his perspective on being a patient advocate at the annual ECTRIMS congress, and highlights from the most salient presentations. In this interview, Dominic highlights new technologies and tools in predicting patient outcomes.
Interviews in this series:
ECTRIMS Patient perspective highlights – The importance of early intervention in MS
ECTRIMS Patient perspective highlights – Technologies and tools to predict patient outcomes
ECTRIMS Patient perspective highlights – Lifestyle interventions as part of a management plan for MS
Disclosures: Dominic Shadbolt has nothing to disclose in relation to this interview.
Touch Medical Media made a donation to a charity of the speaker’s choice,, to support this video interview.
Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media. Interview conducted by Katey Gabrysch.
Filmed as a highlight of ECTRIMS 2022